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Contact Us

To book your first free consultation or inquire about our services, fill out the form today! 

An older woman talking to a younger woman

Return to work/ICBC Rehabilitation/WorkSafe BC:

If you have been in an accident and have an accepted claim with ICBC or WorkSafe BC, we can support your recovery in speech, language, cognitive-communication, and/or voice. 

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Area(s) of Concern:

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If you are NOT a physician, healthcare professional, rehab consultant, ICBC/WorkSafe Rep, or referred by a healthcare professional, please book an initial consultation here

SLPs are licensed with the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC which may be contacted with unresolved complaints (Bylaw 153)

(C) 2023 by Franki Lemon

Supporting communication access for people with disabilities

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